Preliminary Information - Board of Trustees’ elections coming soon


Board of Trustees elctions in December 2024

  • The incumbent Boards of Trustees set the date for their re-elections at December 11, 2024, for a new period of office running from 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2028.
  • Seven members and seven substitutes are to be elected for the Board of Trustees of the Novartis Pension Fund 1, as well as two members and two substitutes for the Pension Fund Novartis 2, acting as representatives of the Novartis employees in Switzerland.
  • Nominations must be submitted to the electoral office, WSJ-791.4.14, not later than by September 30, 2024. Nominations can be made by employee organizations and lobby groups and also by any actively insured members of the respective Pension Fund.
  • Any insured members of the respective Pension Fund are eligible, as long as they are working in Switzerland. Twenty signatures of people entitled to vote are required for each candidate.
  • Every nomination has to include the following details: Surname, first name, personnel number and internal address (site code) of the proposed candidate as well as the surnames, first names and personnel ID numbers of those supporting the candidacy.
  • As an insured person and eligible voter, you will be provided with written details about the forthcoming elections by the end of August.

Kind regards

Novartis Pension Funds