Federal old-age and survivors' insurance. Together with the Federal disability insurance (InvI) and supplementary benefits (SB), the OASI (or "AHV") forms the corner stone of the social security system in Switzerland (so-called “Pillar 1”).
Occupational benefits committee
Organizational unit of the occupational pension fund in favor of the personnel of a certain employer. It is the customary organizational governance structure for pension arrangements within collective funds with numerous affiliated employers.
Occupational Pensions Act.
Occupational Pensions Ordinance (implementing provisions of the OPA).
Ordinance on Tax Relief on Contributions to Recognized Pension Schemes (regulation of tied private savings, or so-called Pillar 3a).
Orphan's pension
Survivor's benefit in favor of the children of an insured person (under certain conditions as stipulated in the regulations such as a concluding age of 18 or 20 years)
Overcompensation reduction
Mechanism for the coordination of occupational benefits with the benefits of social insurances and other benefit schemes.