Salary, contributory
Proportion of the definitive salary that forms the basis for calculating the contributions.
Salary, coordinated
Proportion of the definitive salary after deduction of the coordination offset.
Salary, definitive
All elements of the annual remuneration that have to be taken into account for the occupational pension plan.
Salary, insured
The proportion of salary relevant to the benefits scheme (after deduction of the coordination offset where applicable), which for its part is limited by a legally stipulated maximum.
Einrichtung der beruflichen Vorsorge, der sich beliebige Unternehmen (meist kleinere Firmen) anschliessen können, welche aus administrativen Gründen bzw. Kostenüberlegungen keine eigene Stiftung errichten wollen.
Supplementary Benefits Act (in addition to OASI/InvI)
Semi-autonomous fund
A pension fund that does not carry certain risks (e.g. death and disability) itself, but “reinsures” them with an insurance company.
Sequence of beneficiaries
Ranking of potential addressees of survivor's benefits in the framework of non-compulsory pensions (besides spouses and orphans e.g. Also the domestic partner of an insured person)
Solvency reserve
Technical reserve to offset fluctuations in the claims of a pension fund for risk, i.e. to cover deviations in the actual insurance claims from the statistical empirical values.
Spouse's pension
Survivor's benefit in favor of the surviving spouse of an insured person.
Stop loss insurance
A form of reinsurance. The obligations of the insurer to pay benefits is limited to loss sums that exceed a predetermined amount over a certain period.
Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution
The Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution is a Federal benefits institution with special legal functions. It provides mandatory insurance for employers that do not meet their obligation to join a benefits institution and funds the compulsory occupational insurance of unemployed persons. Voluntary membership is possible, also for individuals without mandatory OPA insurance. Finally, the Substitute Occupational Benefits Institution also acts as a vested benefits institution.
Supplementary pension
A benefit to supplement certain benefits stipulated in the regulations (e.g. in old age).
Support agreement
Agreement between domestic partners committing to mutual assistance and support. The filing of such an agreement during the lifetime of an insured person is an important prerequisite for entitlement to a domestic partner's pension on death as stipulated in the regulations.
Survivor's pension
"Pension on 2 lives" that continues to be paid out after the insured person dies until the second person also dies.